Common problems and solutions

See also

Payment methods for the SIP.TG gateway for transferring calls between Telegram and SIP telephony

Configuring codecs for SIP accounts when setting up the SIP.TG gateway for voice calls in Telegram

Settings and use of the DTMF keyboard when Telegram- calls

Setting up number conversion rules for SIP accounts

Error codes and their interpretation that may occur when setting up a gateway for calls from Telegram

Methods for transferring tariff management to another user, transferring the right to administer the tariff, as well as transferring ownership of the tariff

Request for SIP.TG account management to help users whose categories of users have access to the function

IP telephony operators for different geographical areas, tested by our team

Purpose, advantages, procedure for installing and configuring your own Worker servers for SIP.TG

Purpose, advantages, procedure for installing and configuring your own Session Storage Telegram for SIP.TG