SIP account management

All connected and transferred SIP accounts to other users (except those created and transferred via Method 3 for the Office scheme via the settings link) are available in the section /softphone bot @siptg_bot.

The administrator can change settings, disable, reassign the user and delete or take back the SIP account, all this is done without prior permission or any action from the SIP account users.
Any of the accounts displayed in Softphone mode can be transferred to another user

Assigning users to SIP accounts

To transfer a SIP account to a user (employee) for making calls, click the “Transfer” button in the account card, select the user from the contact list, select the transfer method and confirm sending a special message. The recipient needs to press the “Receive” button within 5 minutes.
Account transfer is possible in two ways:

“Assign a user to a SIP account” (function for the Office scheme)
  • The user is assigned an account to use and cannot administer it
  • The user cannot transfer the account to another user or delete it (deletion returns the account to the administrator)
  • Such an account is paid for from the administrator's subscription
  • Such accounts are displayed by the administrator in section /softphone, their settings can be edited by the administrator at any time

“Transfer SIP account (unlink from tariff)” (for further use under the Personal, Many numbers schemes)
  • In this case, the entire account is transferred to the recipient; he can, if necessary, transfer it to another user or delete it
  • The recipient must pay for such accounts independently according to the Softphone-Start tariff, or they are paid for by the telecom operator.
  • Such accounts are no longer displayed in the administrator section /softphone, and are not paid from the administrator’s subscription (but can be returned back by the administrator when specifying the password for the SIP account, see below)

How to pick up a SIP account

After transferring the SIP account, the “Transfer back” button will appear in the chat with the recipient. In order for the administrator to return the account to himself, he needs to know the password for the account; it is enough to indicate the password separated by a space after the numeric ID, which will appear in the draft when you press the button. After entering the correct password, you will be prompted to take your account back.

The transfer will not occur if the new owner deleted the account or entered an incorrect password.

The user can also independently return the account to the sender. To do this, he needs to click the “Send back” button next to the message in the chat (where the settings were received), and also confirm sending a special message.

See also

Simultaneous use of different tariffs, disabling unused and identical accounts, Firewall settings

The scheme allows employees connected to an office or virtual SIP-PBX to receive and make calls through their Telegram account.

Receive and make calls from your phone number in Telegram via @siptg account (mobile, city or connected to a PBX)

The scheme allows you to receive and make calls from a large number of phone numbers (SIP accounts) from one Telegram-account

The scheme allows you to receive (forward) only incoming calls to your mobile phone for free in Telegram via @siptg account

How to use server templates when setting up SIP accounts for Softphone mode

Integration scenarios with products and infrastructure of telecom operators and large companies

Instructions for employees on how to receive and make calls through the @siptg bot

Purpose, advantages, procedure for installing and configuring your own Worker servers for SIP.TG