Error Codes

SIP.TG always indicates a description of the error. Some errors come from the IP telephony provider, the other part are internal SIP.TG errors, such as an attempt to use a disabled Worker, SIP account or tariff plan limitation for a call.

Typical errors on the side of the IP telephony service provider (provider)
If these errors occur, you should most likely contact your provider's support service (the description text may vary).
401 Unauthorized

403 Auth Failed
The user does not receive calls.

404 Not Found
The user was not found, the connection details were incorrect, and it often happens that verification was not completed or the tariff was not selected.

407 Proxy Authentication Required

408 Request timeout
Often the problem is solved by changing the worker server to the one closest to the telecom operator.

408 Timeout of waiting RPC result
Limitation Telegram on the intensity of requests to the API. It is recommended to reduce the frequency of calls.

480 Temporarily Unavailable
Some temporary problems on the provider's side.

486 Busy Here
The user is currently talking or has rejected the call.

500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable
Serious technical problems on the provider's side.

503 Too Many Requests: retry after XXX
Limitation Telegram on the intensity of outgoing calls.

603 Declined
Refusal of service without explanation.
List of possible errors on the SIP.TG side and explanations
380 Callback is restricted
Incoming calls are prohibited on the telegram account, it must be allowed.

402 SIP account has disallowed settings
A tariff restriction indicating the use of a paid Worker server, or the assignment of a user to a SIP account.

402 Total calls duration is exceeded
402 Amount of fail calls is exceeded
Fare restrictions indicating excess of total duration and number of unsuccessful
calls accordingly.

503 Too Many Requests: retry after XXX
Limitation Telegram on the intensity of outgoing calls. Contact support Telegram.

408 Timeout of waiting RPC result
Limitation Telegram on the intensity of requests to the API. It is recommended to reduce the frequency of calls.

480 SIP account is unavailable
The connection to the SIP server has been lost, the account is in the state of connection restoration.

480 SIP account is not active
An attempt to use a disabled SIP account. In rare cases, it may appear briefly during the process of updating/restarting the software.

480 Worker is down
Worker for the account being used is (temporarily) disabled. In rare cases, it may appear briefly during the process of updating/restarting the software.

If you can’t figure out the error yourself, you can contact support or a public group for help.

See also

Payment methods for the SIP.TG gateway for transferring calls between Telegram and SIP telephony

Frequent problems and solutions when setting up a gateway for calls between Telegram and SIP telephony

Configuring codecs for SIP accounts when setting up the SIP.TG gateway for voice calls in Telegram

Settings and use of the DTMF keyboard when Telegram- calls

Setting up number conversion rules for SIP accounts

Methods for transferring tariff management to another user, transferring the right to administer the tariff, as well as transferring ownership of the tariff

Request for SIP.TG account management to help users whose categories of users have access to the function

IP telephony operators for different geographical areas, tested by our team

Purpose, advantages, procedure for installing and configuring your own Worker servers for SIP.TG

Purpose, advantages, procedure for installing and configuring your own Session Storage Telegram for SIP.TG